Greetings from Geist!
We're checking in with you about your order for the Geist in the Classroom program.
Please reply to this email to confirm—or correct if need be—the following information:
Here's what our records say:
Number of magazines required: %%$GICCopies%%
Contact: %%$first%% %%$last%%
School: %%$company%%
Shipping address: %%$address_1%% %%$address_2%%, %%$city%%, %%$state%%, %%$zip%%
Phone Number: %%$phone%%
Digital Copies: %%$digital_copies%%
Thank you for taking the time to respond! Please note, if you do not respond to this email, you will not receive copies for the spring term.
Know a teacher in need of great Canadian teaching material?
Tell them about the Geist in the Classroom program.
Better yet, forward them this email!