Can you produce a novel in 72 hours?
Dear %%$first%%,
If you've ever dreamed of writing a novel, boy, have we got a weekend activity for you: the 2015 3-Day Novel Contest takes place this weekend, September 5–7!
The 3-Day Novel Contest is a writing challenge that has happened every Labour Day Weekend since 1977. Entrants pre-register and then grit their teeth, lock their doors and try to produce a literary masterwork in 72 short hours. A panel of experienced judges reads the results and the winning novel is published.
It's like E.B. White said: "A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper." The 3-Day Novel Contest could be the fun, wild, grueling kick in the pants you need to get writing!
For details, rules, tips and registration, visit