A literary marathon not for the faint of heart!
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The 3-Day Novel Contest!

Can you produce a novel in 72 hours?

Dear %%$first%%,

If you've ever dreamed of writing a novel, boy, have we got a weekend activity for you: the 2015 3-Day Novel Contest takes place this weekend, September 5–7!

The 3-Day Novel Contest is a writing challenge that has happened every Labour Day Weekend since 1977. Entrants pre-register and then grit their teeth, lock their doors and try to produce a literary masterwork in 72 short hours. A panel of experienced judges reads the results and the winning novel is published.

It's like E.B. White said: "A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper." The 3-Day Novel Contest could be the fun, wild, grueling kick in the pants you need to get writing!

For details, rules, tips and registration, visit 3daynovel.com.

Not for the faint of heart!

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